For the Future of Sussex County, Delaware

(This is a letter read at the Sussex Council meeting on 6/15/2021, as a 3-minute public comment.)

It is well known that Sussex County's aging in the past decades was led by the huge influx of retirees, spurred by the drain of our young ones seeking better career opportunities. The migration of retirees and the County's lopsided reliance on the housing boom go hand in hand. 

How long can this go on? Maybe until Sussex County becomes like Ocean City, Virginia Beach, or Myrtle Beach? 
(Photo by Chris Paripa, published in The Dispatch on 5/21/2018)

Is that what our children and grandchildren will inherit and be in charge of the land they call home, or will they decide to leave for somewhere else? Then, what? 

Towns that are overly populated by elderlies are not sustainable for obvious reasons. Boomers will eventually get even older and will die and who will fill all those new homes that we are building today? We must find ways to stop the drain of our young people and attract more to reverse the trend of the aging county.

Technology is advancing fast and the world is changing. The functionality of the future towns and even dwelling units may be dictated by technology, and today’s homes and towns could even become obsolete. The towns, the states, and the countries that are poised to adapt to the changing world will thrive, but many others will fall back.

Sussex needs to pursue the young residents, the teenagers and college students, to get a glimpse into the future. We need to listen to these young people to position the County to attract the businesses in the leading edge of the future. For instance, Sussex County can allocate the towns and streets to become the pilot ground for self-driving cars, or nurture and support young engineers and entrepreneurs to start businesses here in the new technology.

So, I implore Sussex Council to look into the ways to include our young people in the planning of Sussex's future and make a room for them to lead the County with their visions for the next 30 and 50 years. How about forming the Future of Sussex Working Group with our young residents?


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